Chaos (un)Controlled


Self-contained Rixa Storms can’t wait to escape from beneath the pressure of her mother’s religious, controlling thumb. With college in her sights on the horizon, freedom seems to arrive early with a special opportunity to learn a unique power in a world called University Heights. She is assigned two Guides to aid her studies in Elemental mastery: Azurre, responsible, by-the-book, and always concerned with impression, and Charon, aloof, prideful and considered the Black Sheep by the rest of University Heights.

Rixa soon discovers cracks in the portrait of ‘freedom’ this world represents when she uncovers the oppressive skeletons the school works hard to keep buried.  The prejudicial nature of this alternate dimension erupts into a dangerous chaotic spiral where her real and surreal worlds collide. To emerge victorious, she’ll need to reassess what is truly shackling her, or risk being consumed by her newly awakened abilities.

Check out the Kindle or Paperback version on Amazon here!

And check out some of these insightful interviews:

“I pull a lot of elements from my past and fictionalize them: my upbringing, my job at the New York Public Library (best job EVER!), my experience with RPGs in gaming. I love the storyline I created so much, I knew I had to at least let others experience it.”

Click to read more from Awesomegang.

“Charon’s (character/personality) is one I knew I wanted to explore. I wanted him to be purposefully abrasive and misunderstood, but steadfast in his actions, unfazed by anyone’s opinion of him. I have encountered many personalities like this in real life, who were actually quite popular and well-liked. I wanted to explore that.”

Click to read more from It’s Write Now.

“One of the biggest themes I wanted to explore in Chaos (un)Controlled is that there’s no good and evil in this book, simply different views and different driving motivations. I also don’t consider it hardcore science fiction or fantasy; it’s right in the middle of the spectrum. But most who have read it seem to think it’s Sci-Fi even though that wasn’t my intention at all! It’s meant to be more thought-provoking, with reasons behind why the characters behave the way they do.”

Click to read more from AskDavid.